The main difference between double jersey and single jersey knitting lies in the structure and appearance of the fabric they produce in Cotton Interlock Knitted Fabric. Both are common knitting techniques, but they result in distinct characteristics:
Single Jersey Knitting:
1. Basic Structure: Single jersey is one of the simplest and most common knitting structures. It is formed by knitting each row in one direction (typically, the right side), and then purling each row in the opposite direction (typically, the wrong side).
2. Fabric Characteristics: The fabric produced by single jersey knitting has a smooth face on one side (the right side) and a textured appearance on the other side (the wrong side). The smooth side is often used as the public-facing side of garments.
3. Stretch and Curling: Single jersey fabric tends to curl at the edges due to the unbalanced tension between knit and purl stitches. It also has good stretch in one direction, making it suitable for applications where stretch is desired.
4. Breathability:Single jersey fabric is breathable, but it may not be as airy as other knitted structures like mesh knits.
Double Jersey Knitting:
1. Basic Structure: Double jersey, also known as interlock knitting, is a more complex structure where two sets of needles are used to create a double-layered fabric. The front and back sides of the fabric look the same, as it forms a double-knit structure.
2. Fabric Characteristics: The fabric produced by double jersey knitting has a smooth, stable, and reversible surface on both sides. It looks the same on both the right and wrong sides, and there is no curling at the edges.
3. Stretch and Stability: Double jersey fabric has good stretch and recovery in both directions, which means it retains its shape well and is less likely to stretch out of shape during use.
4. Breathability: Double jersey fabric is highly breathable due to the open structure created by the interlock knitting technique. It allows air to circulate freely through the fabric, providing better ventilation and moisture management.
Single jersey knitting creates a fabric with one smooth side and one textured side, while double jersey knitting produces a fabric with a smooth, stable surface on both sides. Double jersey fabrics are often preferred for their reversible nature, superior stretch and recovery, and excellent breathability, making them a popular choice for various clothing items, including Cotton Interlock Knitted Fabric for infant wear, sportswear, and other comfortable garments.